Everyday at work, I hear a lot from constituents in our community who are really struggling, are concerned and looking for answers. Each day this week, I’m going to post about one of the topics I hear the most about, with the best resources I have to help. And if anyone has specific issues, please directly reach out to me.
Families face many uncertainties and challenges when it comes to the care of their children. Child Care is an issue for those who are working, how to afford it and where to find it. And also for the providers trying to stay open and safe during this crisis. Because of the CARES Act, the state is using federal child care dollars to provide full scholarships for the children of essential workers making 300% or below poverty level ($78,600 for a family of four). Essential workers include first responders, such as medical professions, pharmaceutical staff, law enforcement, firefighters, but also food delivery workers, grocery store employees, home health aides and others needed to help respond to this COVID crisis. If you are working- find out if you are eligible. For more information, questions on availability for your child or to sign up, reach out to the the Child Care Council at (585) 654-4720 or Toll Free: (800) 743-KIDS or email CARES@chilccarecouncil.com
If you are a licensed provider and need help with Personal Protection Equipment (masks, gloves, etc.) or cleaning supplies, please also reach out to the Child Care Council, they are a great resource for you as well. Here are some safety guidelines provided by the Office of ChIldren and Family Services: https://ocfs.ny.gov/programs/childcare/#covid-guidance